Make It Yourself Food... Because making it yourself, versus buying a box/mix/processed-frozen-something/packet, etc. is exceptionally more frugal, far healthier, has whole food ingredients, no fillers, contains none of the ingredients you'd also find in car fix-it fluids (propylene glycol, anyone?), is lower in salt, and just plain tastes better! It also means less trips to the store, translating to less money spent, which means less time out of the house and more time doing important things! Things you love! Like reading, playing with your kids, or whatever suits your fancy...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Flaxseed Pizza Dough

We love making our own pizza dough!  Making pizza dough from scratch is actually easier for us - I know this may sound dubious - than loading everyone up into jackets and into the carseats, discussing which toy "friends" are allowed to come with us in the car, driving all the way to town, unloading into the store, fighting the intense whining to get paraffin-based, rainbow-coloured, fruit-shaped corn syrup products and other sundries, waiting in line next to the candy sneakily displayed at child's-eye-level...  You get the idea...

After much messing with other's recipes, old and new, I've finally come up with my own that pleases everyone, I think.  And, I secretly add omega-3s with the addition of flaxseeds!

Confession:  I have yet to discover a way to make good marinara from scratch.  We like Newman's Own sauce and use Hormel turkey pepperoni.  I've tried to make pepperoni from scratch but it turned out weird, and I could never find nitrite-free curing salts.  I also can't find nitrite-free turkey pepps.  We have tried Hormel Naturals beef pepps, but they are so greasy!  I figured that turkey pepps with a big glass of orange juice to cancel out the nitrites (see link) was better than the greasy beef ones. 

Making bread is one of those things that quickly becomes second nature and you don't have to keep looking at the recipe after you've done it a couple of times...  It just becomes part of you and you develop your own ways of doing it.  Hope you find yours!
Happy Pizza-kneading,

Jessica's Flaxseed Pizza Dough  
  • 2 cups of unbleached flour (more to mix, if needed)
  • 1 cup of King Arthur Flours white whole wheat flour (more to mix)
  • 1-2 Tablespoons of WildRoots milled golden flaxseed
  • 2 1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
  • 1 cup 120-130° F water
  • 2 Tablespoons canola oil
  • Cornmeal (maybe a 1/4 cup)
  • dash of salt 
Preheat the oven to 400° F.  Mix one cup of each of the flours into a large bowl with the yeast and flaxseed.  Add a couple of shakes of salt.  (Your family may desire more salt - we go with less when possible.  Adjust to your tastes.)

Put water and oil into a glass container - like a Pyrex measuring cup - and heat the water to the proper temperature, checking with a cooking thermometer.  The water must not go over 130° or the yeast won't work.
Add the water to the flour mixture and then add enough flour to make the dough not sticky.

Knead the dough until it changes into an elastically texture - 1 to 2 minutes.  Sprinkle the ball of dough with cornmeal and let it coat all sides.  Rest the dough for about 5 minutes.

Prep a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Roll out the dough and stretch it to meet all sides of the cookie sheet (or pizza pan!) and be as thin or as thick as you prefer a pizza to be.

Cook for about 5-10 minutes until it appears set but not entirely done.

Get creative with sauces and toppings! 

Cook until veggies are as roasted as you like and TADA!  Homemade pizza quicker than take out and better for you!


  1. That's awesome, Jessica! My mom used to make home-made WW pizza often when we were young, so much fun. We especially like making it when we had guests over- most of them had never had home-made pizza and thought it was cool to help "build" the pizza.

    Hugh is adorable, as usual :)

  2. Thank you, R!!! We had fun:) Yes, it's amazing how people have this image of it being sooo hard, lol. Yay, you're my 1st comment ever:)
